Iceberg Publishing
Launched in 2002, Iceberg Publishing is an award-winning, family-run, independent Canadian book publisher located in Edmonton, Alberta. Our goal is to tell stories that encourage the reader to look beneath the surface for a greater understanding.
We’re fortunate to have worked with many incredible creatives over the past 20 years. You can meet our core creative team below.
Jacqui Tam
This all started when she walked across a rocky beach in 1974, and picked up a piece of an iceberg.
She was with her father at the time, in pursuit of an impossible dream: to touch an iceberg that had beached itself on the Newfoundland coast. It should have been unreachable, but she found a way to hold a piece of it anyway. Now she’s building the rest.
When her dad died in 1994, she was determined to share his story. She was about to sign with an agent, and nearly had a publisher, but she decided at the last minute to do it herself. It was the right decision. Now she’s the award=winning author of A Daughter’s Gift, the book that launched Iceberg Publishing in 2002.
She is Iceberg’s Editor-in-Chief. She earned the job thanks to decades of award-winning professional writing, editing, and communication, including almost 20 years at the executive level in Canadian universities. Internationally known and in high demand, she has plenty to keep her busy every day.
But Iceberg is her passion –– the dream she first held in her hands in 1974, which led her to a BSc in Mathematics, and a Masters in Journalism. She is Editor-In-Chief because she applies logic to emotion, understands stories, and knows how to remain focused in difficult times.
Most important: she has a passion for storytelling. She somehow manages to find time to do at least some of that, while focusing on guiding the company that began with her dream. There would be no Iceberg Publishing without her.
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Kenneth Tam
This is all the product of a misspent youth.
When he finished drafting his first book, he was 13-years-old. It wasn’t very good, but he started submitting it to publishers anyway. They were very polite. When he finished drafting his third book, it was much better, but he decided not to submit it to other publishers. He decided to write for the home team instead.
That third book was The Human Equation; more than fifty titles and 3.2 million words later, he is Iceberg’s journeyman writer.
While this was happening, he earned a BA and an MA in military history. He worked with a former UN Ambassador, then a Canadian Member of Parliament, then in finance, and now in energy research. He feels very lucky to have had access to all sorts of information –– to see how complicated the world is, when you peek behind the headlines.
He loves telling stories. He accepts little credit for whatever he writes, but accepts blame for any flaws. The errors are all his; the good bits are thanks to the characters who populate his stories, who are smarter, better, and much more likeable than he is.
Without him, there would be no Earthers, no Defense Command, no His Majesty’s New World, and no Champions. His hands are in every element of Iceberg’s operation, and he is proud to be a Partner in the family business.
Peter Tam
Every Christmas break while at school, he would reread The Lord of the Rings.
He grew up in Trinidad –– a warm, bright, sandy island paradise in the West Indies –– before coming to Canada for university. He chose cold, gray, rocky Newfoundland because of all the schools that accepted him, Memorial University (MUN) was the first to say yes. At disco near MUN he met Jacqui, and the rest is history.
These days, his bookshelves are double-stacked with early edition paperbacks encompassing entire eras of science fiction of fantasy –– Poul Anderson, Andre Norton, Christopher Stasheff, and Anne McCaffrey, just to name a handful. He holds a BA in English, a BSc in Math, and a Business Diploma, all of which he secured at the same time.
He knows how to help people deliver their very best. He coached two Newfoundland teams to record results at the Canada Winter Games. He referees squash at a national level. He helps ordinary people navigate the investment world. And he edits and provides story advice for all of Iceberg’s titles.
He also makes sure the company remains financially healthy in an industry that can be awfully unpredictable. His daily business is finance –– building portfolios, managing risk –– so while publishing can be tricky, he knows how to steer clear of troubled waters.
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Jeannine Göhing
She prefers to be the interviewer, not the story.
Originally from Germany, Jeannine is a skilled science communications professional serving the public in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She takes particular joy in helping the subjects of her stories shine, and making complex scientific topics accessible to people who haven’t had the opportunity to study them before.
Trained originally in landscape architecture and then forest biology, she’s partial to hiking, photography, cooking, and knitting. She refuses to blame Kenneth for everything, but she probably should.